Saturday 20 July 2013

Zzzzz ...

Master 15 had a friend over for a sleepover last night.

This in itself really isn't a problem ... but it does have one big, inconvenient consequence.

The dog gets banished from his room.

Now there are two alternative solutions to this problem ... and I don't like either of them.

Buster can spend the night in the family room ... with any number of dog beds and/or sofas to sleep on.  He has access to his water and his doggy door should he need a little midnight tinkle.  On the downside he will ...without fail ... cry all night.  ALL night.


Buster can sleep in my room ... on my bed.  For it would be on my bed ... no doggy bed in the corner will suffice. He will make himself extremely comfortable ... in the process I will be made extremely uncomfortable. He will settle down with a sigh of pleasure and sleep for the next ten hours ... I will be forced to lie with my body contorted into some mad zigzag shape .. in which no human body was meant to lie ... ever.  He will fall rapidly into a contented sleep ... I will lie awake the entire night overheating from the furry hot water bottle that insists on pressing itself against me.

Buster chose option two.


  1. Love those flowery jammies! Now draw another one with TWO dogs spread all over the place, halve the amount of room for the hapless lady and that'll be me!! EVERY NIGHT!!! :-(

    1. I don't know how you can stand it ... you really need to come up with an alternative arrangement. Would you like me to send you a teenage boy to sleep with one of them ;0)

  2. But you can't be mad with him, right?! We often find ourselves with numerous cats dotted all ove rhe bed, but I like it. Great cartoon! xxxx

    1. It's nice having him there ... I just wish he didn't hog the bed quite so much ... I already have Hubby for that ;0)

  3. The teens wouldn't have the dog in with them, could they be persuaded? What's another hairy, whiffy beast?? (My teens are hairy and whiffy, not sure about yours!)

    I have this issue with a cat who gets lonely when one of my sons is away... but not too intrusive compared to a big dog.

    1. You're right ... you'd scarcely think they'd notice just one more lazy, smelly boy in the room ;0)

  4. I love your illustration! My cat used to sleep on my neck - every night. Now he's gone, I miss it terribly.

    1. I know ... I like to complain about him ... but if he wasn't there I'd be devastated :0)

  5. Do you think Frankie might stay out of my bed if I put a doggy bed in the lounge room? least buster doesn't wake screaming at 3am cause he wants to do paaainnting!...and then you have to talk in hushed tones about all the things he could paint pink to get him back to sleep....hide some dog biscuits in hubs jim jams....might at least get buster snuggling into him instead....if all else fails I hear doggy beds are quite comfy these days!! Al xx

    1. Lol ... you've come up with some very interesting and viable alternatives ;0)
      PS Painting things pink is one of my favourite things.
