Thursday 18 July 2013

Howzat ...

It has come to my attention ... that a war of sorts is on,
Where grown men throw their balls around and try to get a ton.
It's country versus country ... one from here and one from there,
The teams try to intimidate with a fixed and icy stare.

And day by day they march to battle out in the blinding sun,
They whack that ball and run like hell and pretend that it is fun.
And then in turn ... with speed or spin ... they'll try to get a wicket,
It's rather strange ... this oddball game ... this match that they call cricket.

Then on Day Five ... if not before ... we'll have a victor from these clashes,
And the team that wins will celebrate and hold aloft "The Ashes".
And so the battle rages on ... "Pride's on the line" ... it's said,
And me ... I'll leave them to it ... cause I'd rather go to bed.

By Me


  1. I get really annoyed when balls start getting thrown

  2. I found myself getting really intrigued by all those balls being thrown around the other night. I grew up with the steady hum of cricket as background music to my Summers and I think it's all part of my psyche.At least, that's what I told myself when I found myself up watching the Ashes past midnight... x

    1. The cricket was always on at our place too ... but we were good at it back then ;0)

  3. Clever!

    I have zero interest. Hub swears he LOVES the cricket but always falls asleep while watching it. At least I'm honest about the fact that it puts me to sleep ;)

    1. Lol ... so does my Hubby ... he falls asleep on the lounge watching it ... then goes to watch it in bed ...where he falls asleep ... then he turns off the tv and puts it on the radio ... and falls asleep :0)

  4. Hahahhahaha. I never understood it, and never tried, but British men go mad for it.My husband loves it, thank go there is none in Spain, LOL

  5. It's been a rather intense week of sport - if it wasn't The Ashes, it was the State of Origin, The A-League, or the Footy.......I think I'll disappear this time next year! Mel x

    1. We will all be sporting a sporting hangover :0)
