Wednesday 31 October 2012

It's the final countdown....

The countdown is well and truly on.

We leave for New York on Saturday morning....if Qantas doesn't cancel the flight....and that means it's action stations to get everyone and everything ready.

Hubby doesn't want to take any chances with traffic, or accidents or other unforeseeable events so he has booked a hotel room near the airport for Friday night.

It has to be said that Hubby is a bit of a control freak....he doesn't like to leave anything to chance.. and our entire holiday has been condensed into a colour coded spreadsheet. We know when, where and what, we are doing at any given time for the next 3 watch out if any of us want to take an unscheduled toilet could throw out the entire itinerary!

I'm pretty sure God organised Hurricane Sandy as an up yours to Hubby.....just to prove he's not the one in charge....despite what he may think.

We are only going for 3 weeks, but there seems to be so much to organise.

The mail has been stopped, the bank accounts have been organised, the cash has been exchanged and the international sim cards have been activated.  The lawns have been mowed, the fridges cleared and the washing has been laundered...including all the bedding and towels.

So that left me to start my packing....I have been dreading a trip to the dentist.  I find myself physically and mentally unable to pack light.  Hubby's instructions are to take the bare minimum....I tried my best....

.....he told me I have to cut it by 50%!!

I think I feel a stress induced migraine coming on.......

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