Sunday 9 June 2013


"A portrait of our children, once a week, every week in 2013"

Master 15:  Can be found at all times of the day and night ...  in his bedroom ... on a screen.

Master 13:  Can be found at all times of the day and night ... somewhere ... on a screen.

Always stuck on a screen ... as you can see,
I might turn off the wi-fi ... in Week Twenty Three.

Joining in with Jodi.


  1. I can remember when my folks bought our first colour tv. we were allowed 15 mins of tv each afternoon after school...I think of that often when im on the comp...nic on iphone...char on ipad and frank watching tv....WTF did we used to do all day??. x

    1. Ha ... we had strict viewing rules too ... in fact my parent's were known to take the power cord out with them to stop any sneaky, unscheduled viewing!!

  2. Well its good to know that my 13 year old is not so unlike yours. An ocean a part, same routine. Thank you so for your sweet note over on my blog. It was a scariest day of days, but so glad we safe. Mentally shaken, but physically well. xxoo

    1. Teenagers are teenagers the whole world over ...there is something comforting in that.
      Hope you're still doing ok.
