Thursday, 11 April 2013

The joys of parenthood....#489473......

There are a few phrases that it is our God given right as a parent to utter when the occasion calls for it.

They include...but are not limited to.....

  • You don't know how lucky you are...
  • When I was your age....
  • Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about...
  • Money doesn't grow on trees....
  • Close the door...were you born in a tent?
  • Because I said so......
Our children in turn will declare that they will never utter such words....but they will.....once they are parents.

I recently found myself in a situation where one of these parental gems was most certainly called for.  And so, for the first time ever I uttered the immortal words...."OVER MY DEAD BODY".

Master 15 decided he would like a couple of these.....

....and I decided that it was NEVER, EVER going to happen!!  

Not now.....not when he is 18.....not when he is 21....not when he is 30....not when he is 60....NEVER, EVER, EVER....FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE!!! 

And Master 15...if you decide to leave my funeral...and stop by the earlobe disfiguring shop on the way home....I promise to haunt you at the earliest possible convenience!!!


  1. So the braces weren't painful enough?

    My sentiments are like yours.

  2. the surgeon I work for repairs these hideous things....when reality hits and they come to their senses they have to turn around and pay the big bucks to get them fixed....or if he is really lucky he will be the one where the skin tears through....not pretty having 2 dangly bits of skin hangin from his pretty head....oh god don't tell him I said he was pretty!!

    1. Master 15 has declared that I don't recognise sarcasm when I see it....he was obviously :0)
