Tuesday, 23 April 2013

I am so clever....and a little bit smug.....

I am slowly....ever so slowly....teaching myself how to do a few different things on Photoshop...besides trying to make myself look younger.

And of course...as I learn...I will not be able to resist boring you with my results....sorry!

So last night I entered into the amazing world of Graphics Interchange Format...or GIFs...as us tech savvy folk call them.

I'm pretty sure that once upon a time they would have simply been called animations...but then everybody would know what was being talked about....and we simply can't have that now can we.  You see....now that I am becoming a fully fledged computer nerd....(please note that my tongue is firmly in my cheek)....I too feel superior when I can use terms that nobody else understands.

Anyhoo...I decided that I would put my new found knowledge and creative genius to good use and came up with these little gems....

The boys frolicking in Central Park, New York..... last November.

I love them....but you can't watch for too long or you start feeling a little motion sick....oooh someone pass the Travacalm.....please.


  1. oooh gifs...I was playing around with some obvs inferior software last night trying to do this....not as good as yours!! the old saying you get what you pay for??...I hear Nerdsville is nice and has good schools....what the real estate like?? x

    1. Nerdsville is great....I've just got to get myself an online gamer tag and a packet of adult diapers and I'll fit right in ;0P

  2. this is so very awesome. really. so jealous of your new photoshop skills! (and of the fact you own photoshop!) xxoo

    1. It's fun...but I'm sure I'll never work out ALL the things I could be using it for :0)

  3. oh i so want photoshop! i live gifs i wondered how people did them...now i know its a hidden jewel on Photoshop[! anybody know of an online gif maker for free? (yeah i know i'm cheap!) x

    1. I only bought the cheaper use at home version (Elements 11)....not the professional one...so far it does everything I could possibly want....and a whole lot I probably don't want :0)

  4. I'm not even going to ask how you are doing this, you tech head you!!!
