Tuesday 20 November 2012

The excellent adventures of us in LA.......

Sunday found us shopping at an LA Factory Outlet centre. Shopping has proven to be a very popular pastime on this holiday.....though we have been hindered somewhat by the lack of available space in our luggage. Yesterday we solved this pesky problem by buying an extra bag.....which of course would be a waste unless we filled it up before returning home at the end of the week.

So we all put our best foot forward in an effort to fill it......and we aren't a family to do things by halves. We will do a trial pack shortly.....and if we find available space.....I'm sure we will endeavour to rectify it before the week is out......ie I've heard there is another lot of outlet shops 10 minutes down the road.

Today (Monday) we set off for Universal Studios. Hubby arranged transport to and from through VIP Tours....a tour company recommended by our hotel.

To say our driver was a character would be an understatement. He was new to his position of tour guide...and was taking it very seriously. In an effort to keep us informed.....we were advised of pretty well everything....from his wife's cooking, proposed road works, his fear of all thrill rides, the number of cars on LA roads and many, many more such interesting topics.....in a very strong (at times indecipherable) accent......the entire trip, without pausing for breath....all through the bus loudspeaker system. If he thought his audience wasn't paying enough attention he would yell "GOOD MORNING" repeatedly until we all responded......at which point his narrative would continue. We were very pleased to arrive and escape the bus!!!

Universal studios was excellent.....as all these American theme parks seem to be. Plenty of shows, attractions and rides. I must admit....I am not a ride person. I don't quite "get" the purpose of paying good money to be scared.....I especially don't "get" the purpose of paying good money to be scared and wet!!! When it comes to rides that threaten to leave me cold and soggy for the remainder of my day I put my foot down. I will NOT ride!!

So we arrive and the first stop is the Jurassic Park ride. I watch suspiciously as people alight from the carriages either wet or with an extreme perspiration problem. "It's fine" the family assure me....you don't get wet.....they promise! So, after withstanding the pressure for a while I cave in and go on the wretched ride. You know how this ends.....I copped what amounted to a huge bucketful of water all over me.....which then pooled in my seat to saturate my bottom half as well....and I spent the rest of my day cold and soggy!!!

To top off this excellent adventure....when we returned to the bus pick up area we were greeted by the same driver....who happily escorted us home....talking incessantly, yelling out GOOD MORNING (despite it now being after 6pm) whenever we tried to get a little shut eye....all the way back to Anaheim in peak hour for over 2 hours.....mercy!!!!

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