Wednesday 19 March 2014

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery ...

I'm a great fan of the late Margaret Olley (1923-2011).

She is one of my all time favourite artists … I love her work … and would dearly love to own one.  But unfortunately I just don't have a spare 100 grand lying around.

Look at them.

What a joy.

I've mentioned on this blog before how when Master 13 was given a school assignment to recreate the work of a famous artist I encouraged him to copy a Margaret Olley.  Which he did … quite spectacularly I thought.  I admit to giving him a bit of advice here and there … and chanting my own painting mantra "paint what you see … paint what you see" … but the end result was his own.

What I find most frustrating about this whole endeavour is that he has barely picked up a paintbrush since … it "doesn't interest" him.

Look at this handy collage I have created to enable an easy comparison.

Since then his little masterpiece has been proudly displayed in the family room.

So it got me thinking … which is a highly dangerous turn of events … it got me thinking that perhaps I would enter into the spirit of a little counterfeiting … copying … reproducing … falsifying … forging … of my own.  Just until I manage to find all that loose change in the back of the sofa cushions and can afford one of my very own.

And just in case anyone thinks I'm pulling a swifty and entering into a world of crime … I very clearly labelled the back like this …

So here it is … Master 16 gave me a ten out of ten … which is unprecedented I can tell you.

And another handy comparison collage … 

I'm actually pretty happy with it … for once … but it is definitely best viewed from a distance.

Now what's next … the Mona Lisa????


  1. Wow, that's brilliant, Jo! You are an artistic lot in your family, I'm very impressed! xxx

    1. Thanks Curtise … it's easier when you are copying … someone else has already done the hard bit that way.

  2. You are amazing! I haven't seen Margaret Olley's work before but I love it. Your interpretation is so good. xxx

    1. Thanks Vix … Margaret Olley is an Australian artist … perhaps she was only well known over here.

  3. omg!!!! that is friggin AMAZING! i like your actually better but they are so similar! i tell you that's awesome! Could you run me up a copy of 'the blind girl' by John Everett Millais....i keep visiting birmingham museum to see it and i cant quite work out how to get it off the wall and out without being questioned....honestly, rules are such a pain!

    1. They are aren't they … pesky rules … ruining all our fun ;0)

  4. Oh My. There are some major artistic genes in your family. Superb!

    1. Thank you Connie … most of the family is arty or crafty or both :0)

  5. What an artistic family! You are both truly amazing. Jo ××

  6. Wow, I would have both of these masterpieces on show where everyone could see them! Fabulous work :)

    1. We might even splurge on a couple of frames … not many of the art works around here earn a frame ;0)

  7. You are so very talented!!! I have not heard of this artist and rather like it, but like your version just as much Miss clever pants you can paint!! Love your cunning plan to turn to crime, so much fun to be had.

    1. I best not … I'd get claustrophobic in the jail cell ;0)

  8. You are so talented Jo, it looks great! Maybe Master 13 will come back to it down the track, here's hoping! xx

    1. I'm hoping so too … it would be nice to have a painting buddy :0)

  9. Feck me Jo, it's brilliant! it's an utterly stunning piece of work, I can see why you love the artist so much, the colours are so rich! I reckon Master 13 will come round though, he's got to! he's a natural! x x x

    1. He really should … he can't play video games for the rest of his life … I hope ;0)

  10. Awesome guys...talent running wild xxxx

  11. Absolutely amazing, the originals and the copies - who needs an original when you can recreate them like that!

  12. That's awesome. Do a Marc Chagall?

  13. Wow! Great job. I can see where your son gets his talent. I love the originals too. I've never seen her work before.
