Tuesday 5 November 2013

The N Word ...

My boys have responsibility for a few household chores.

I put the emphasis on "a few".

We are not talking about a slave labour situation here.

  • They are expected to maintain their own personnel hygiene.
  • They are expected to complete their own homework.
  • They are expected  to keep their bedrooms in a neat and tidy state.
  • Master 16 is required to empty the dishwasher.
  • Master 13 is required to take out the rubbish and restock the drink fridge.
  • They are both required to clean THEIR bathroom.  Alternate weeks seems to be the best method.

I like to believe that I am preparing them for the real world.

I like to believe that someday they … or at least their future wife/partner/housemate/whatever … will thank me.

In theory it's fantastic … in practise … not so much.

You see my boys seem to be missing the initiative/motivation gene.

To get them to complete these simple tasks usually takes a gentle … not so gentle … downright threatening approach from me.

Sometimes they turn to me with "the  N word" lingering on the tip of their tongue … "Mum … you're such a N_G".

Good sense usually prevails and it is sucked back in … in the nick of time.  They know I will not tolerate "the N word" … yep … calling me by "the N word" would be a big mistake.

And let's face it … dear friends of Blogland … there are absolutely no similarities between me and a horse.

Now are there??

This week's Shiny T Tuesday prompt is "Mistaken Identity".


  1. You are hilarious, I love your gif.

  2. erm no, no resemblance! what are they thinking!!!!!

  3. Ha! you are fab! 'maintaining personal hygiene?' one of mine is a serial soap dodger (I won't say which one!) and used to come out of the shower dry x x

    1. I hear you … there was a time when I'd go in to clean the shower each week … and oddly it would always be clean … not a single bit of soap scum to be found. I fantasised that they were rinsing off the shower after each use … but of course the reality was that not a single bit of soap was being used. The never shrinking cake of soap sort of gave it away.

  4. Good for you trying to make your boys independent. Mine made their own beds, school lunches and did their own washing amongst other things around home. My deal was we all lived in the house so we all had to look after it. My eldest is out flatting and more than capable of looking after himself so he must have learned something from this old nag!!! Celia Lashlie wrote a great book on raising boys that is worth reading when you have sons and it makes you laugh.

    1. I'll have to look out for it … I'm a firm believer that just because you're a boy you don't get let off the hook with household chores.

  5. Thank you for actually parenting your children and teaching them responsibility! The world needs more people like you.


    1. Aww thanks Alicia … that means the world to me … it really does.

  6. God but it's hard going, isn't it?! I am trying to instill the "we all live here so let's all help out" philosophy but it's a struggle to get anyone to listen. It usually takes me doing The Big Mum Explosion and threatening to chuck their stuff out if they don't clear it up, or only shop/cook/clean/wash/iron for myself, to get some action... But I keep trying! Love the gif. xxx

    1. It's really hard … I usually start with a little gentle coaxing … but I am almost always forced to end with forceful threatening. If I get an insane enough look in my eye I usually manage to get them moving.

  7. You are brilliant. My daughter has 2 horse heaad one is just like yours.

    1. Thanks Sacramento … that one was on the top of Master 16's christmas wish list last year.

  8. Hahaha great post, love the visual!
