Thursday 19 September 2013

I accept no responsibility ...

In a final "up yours" from winter I have managed to pick up a doozy of a head cold.

This leaves me muddle headed ... and foggy brained.

It could very well impair my decision making abilities.

And therefore it could be held responsible for the fact that I went to the shops and accidentally came home with three pairs of jeans.

Did I need three pairs of jeans?  NO ... not in the least.

Along with my brain befuddling cold ... I could also blame the too efficient and good at her job saleswoman.  After all she was the one that advised me ... as soon as I stepped through the door ... that they were all on sale ... for a limited time.  When I had ... in all innocence ... just popped inside the shop for no real reason ... but to mind my own business.

It could be that the tag said they were "ankle biter" jeans ... which in my foggy state of mind made them sound new and exciting and highly desirable.

Whatever the reason ... by the time I left ... three pairs of jeans had somehow fallen into a shopping bag and slipped unintentionally into my hand ... don't you just hate when that happens.

Just so long as we are all entirely clear that it was not in any way my fault ... okay.

Here I am wearing a pair today ... snapping a selfie on the way out the door ... as you do ... when you are trying to justify owning three new pairs of jeans.

See their ankle biting brilliance.

I mean it's state of the art, groundbreaking stuff isn't it.

Anyone else been shopping by accident lately?

P.S.  Any resemblance I show to a widow, hairdresser or New Zealand rugby player ... living or dead ... is purely coincidental.


  1. head colds suck, obviously being muggy headed and ill means that your brain is focused on important things like making you better and seeing 'ankle biter' potentially has a medicinal name therefore making you feel better! (I'm good!!) btw you look diva fabulous!! x x

    1. You ARE good ... can I take you shopping with me next time ;0)

  2. yes last time i went shopping I accidentally brought a 'no parking here' giant red and white metal rd sign (only 50p car boot bliss!!) it's hung beside the dogs bed and the p has been turned into a barking here.....see what i did?.......see how funny i am? Jeans mock me, the cut my fat belly in half and yell that my legs are like fat sausages....jeans never get brought on a whim, i need 6 months therapy either side of the jeans shopping trip to get through it!! You on the other hand make it look easy in a widowed hairdressing rugby player kind of way!!!! x

    1. That sign sounds absolutely genius ... you are TOTALLY funny!
      I'm a firm believer that there is a jean for everyone ... you just have to find the right cut.
      And thanks ... that was just the look I was going for ;0)

  3. I'm with Jane on the jeans, can't wear even one pair, never mind three! Ankle biters? Is that what short trousers are called now? I am SO out of touch! Anyway, of course a head cold will make you buy three pairs of jeans, it's A Known Fact. And you look like a gorgeous undercover celebrity! xxxxx

    1. Ha ... I might start running every time someone gets a camera out ... that should liven things up around here :0)

  4. Ah, glorious 'sick shopping'.ha! I did wind up the owner of an awesome Shriners fez and a HUGE hollywood revival lamp recently. Did I spend money that I shouldn't have? Absolutely. Do I haveto eat beets and oatmeal for the next week to make up for it? Yep,but that's OK.A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do,and because we comfort shop in the first place it is no wonder that our sick shop takes an abstract turn. Enjoy your jeans! You've an adorable figure so good job on buying something useful at least.They look way cute on you :-)

    1. Ha ... thanks Amber ... WOW a Shriners fez AND a Hollywood revival lamp ... but I'm sure you TOTALLY needed both.
      Agreed ... it's girls that keep the retail industry in business ... we're really just doing our bit for the health of the country's economy ;0)

  5. Yes!

    Yesterday I happened to see a picture on the internet of a quilting project that I thought was cute, found out it came from a magazine, of which there has already been 10 editions, so in the middle of the night here I am on my iPad buying multiple magazines online, all for a quilt project, the chance of my making same is absolutely negligible! I'd like to, but I know I won't . . .

    Jeans look good - are they all black? 😃

    Hope your cold's better by Tuesday! xxx

    1. LOL ... you need a new quilting project like I need a new pair of jeans!
      Let's hope my cold isn't better by Tuesday ... what will I blame all my unnecessary purchases on then??
