Monday 2 September 2013

Father's Day

Everyday is Father's Day isn't it?

But yesterday was "officially" Father's Day.

So in it's "official"capacity we spent the day celebrating all things fatherly ... by eating and drinking and listening to very, very bad "dad" jokes.

Our day went a little like this.

Here is Master 13 and Hubby hugging it out at 9:28am ... when Master 13 finally recalled that it was indeed Father's Day.

Here is Hubby at 9:31am ... phoning his Father to invite him out for lunch on the spur of the moment.

Here is Master 16 and Hubby hugging it out at 9:35am ... when Master 16 finally got out of bed.

Here we are at 1:13pm ... seated for lunch ... after having wandered ALL OVER the city of Sydney looking for somewhere that wasn't completely booked out.  That's what happens when you don't decide  you want to go out for Father's Day Lunch until 9:31am.

Here are the boys happy at 1:24pm ... enjoying their cool beverages ... while waiting for their food.

Here is Master 16... lunchless ... at 2:01pm ... ready to commit murder.  You really can't keep a 16 year old male stomach waiting that long ... not without grisly consequences.

Master 16's expression clearly scared the restaurant staff into immediate action because here are our meals at 2:04pm.


Here's the boys and Pop at 2:50pm ... happy and contented with very full bellies.

Here's my feet at 2:57pm ... walking up the hill to catch the bus back to our car ... because Cityrail thought the Father's Day weekend would be the perfect occasion to close down the train lines for track maintenance!

Here's the back of my eyelids at approximately 8:30pm ... because too much food and too much wine and a big trip to town is obviously too much for me to handle.


  1. haha! yes, I say that too! Fathers day is everyday! it still looks like a great spur of the moment day despite the 40 min ( hungry children, no, no, no! children have to be fed, like, now!)wait, and the 'sensible shutdowns of inner city networks', you did well Missus!x

    1. Any day where I get to dress up and go somewhere ... and NOT cook is a good day ;0)

  2. Replies
    1. Travelling an hour and a half for lunch is thoroughly acceptable to Hubby ;0)

  3. Ooh, that's a killer wait for your food! Never mind, looked delicious when it finally arrived! Glad everyone enjoyed a good Fathers Day, not just the dads in the party! xxx

    1. The Dads were both designated drivers ... the Mum's had a great time ;0)

  4. Oh yes indeed, every day is father's day. It's madness to expect boys to wait for food, what were they thinking?! Glad it was a good day though.

    1. I know ... they obviously don't have kids at home ... especially teenage boys ... bottomless pits that are ALWAYS STARVING :0)
