Sunday 17 August 2014

A picture's worth 1000 words … week 33 ...

A photo a day … every day … in 2014.

Day 222:  Martha Stewart I ain't!

Day 223:  How eggcellent.

Day 224:  I can sing a DOUBLE rainbow!

Day 225:  The other side of the lens.

Day 226:  This naughty doggy re-enacted The Great Escape today … he had me chasing him all over the neighbourhood … TWICE!

Day 227:  Fresh as a daisy.

Day 228:  Who needs enemies when you've got a big brother?


  1. I have dust just like that!! Housework is over rated, so don't do it.

  2. I adore your photos, Jo - but then you show your camera, and I am terrified of the sight of it, so I know I can never aspire to taking such wonderful pics!
    I don't dust either - why bother, when the pesky stuff just comes back? xxx

    1. Dust really is the gift that just keeps on giving isn't it! Horrid stuff!
      The camera really isn't that complicated … not so very much different from a point and shoot … really!!!
      Turn everything onto auto and you wouldn't know the difference :0)

  3. So much to love here! Your boys look like mine. Love the expression on their faces!
    Your camera is one I can only long for. Our dog has enacted the great escape a couple of times, but not in the same day! Glad you were reunited:-) XO JJ

    1. I think the first time was almost an accident and the second time was because he found he could … naughty, naughty puppy!!

  4. What a gorgeous rainbow and an even more gorgeous Buster! x

    1. He looks gorgeous and sweet, lulling you into a false sense of security … and then his naughty side comes out … watch out!!!

  5. Your photos are fab and your camera is scary! Life's too short for dusting! x

    1. I couldn't agree more … about the dust … the camera's really not that scary … if I can use it, anyone can :0)

  6. Great camera, I've just got a D60 and you can probably tell from my pictures that I've never bothered to read the manual. I'm not shit hot at dusting either, Vix is right.

    1. I had grand plans to take a course … several years later and I STILL haven't got there … I just make it up as I go along! Trial and error is my motto.

  7. Excellent pics (or eggcellent ha!) I really like the eggs in a cup pic, looks like it belongs to a posh cook book - Buster escaped twice! you must have been panic stricken - your camera is so cool, I wouldn't have a clue, especially if there are instructions (I never read them) and dusting? makes me whiney, so I'll stop right there! x x x

    1. Haha … the appearance of posh around here is only ever accidental, I can assure you ;0)

  8. I have a sign in my house which says 'You can touch the dust, but please don't write in it!" I go around with a damp cloth once in a blue moon when the place threatens to become engulfed! I've just found this quote, I knew I'd heard it somewhere before "There was no need to do any housework at all. After the first four years the dirt doesn’t get any worse. ~Quentin Crisp, The Naked Civil Servant, 1968"
