Sunday, 28 June 2015

A picture's worth 1000 words … week 26 ...

A photo a day … every day … in 2015.

Day 172:  Morning light.

Day 173:  Pretty!

Day 174:  Paint.

Day 175:  Neighbourhood Watch.

Day 176:  Sitting in a sunburst.

Day 177:  Nothing like being given a fancy dress project on Friday night … with a deadline of Saturday night.

Day 178:  But I made it … literally!

Oh and in case you haven't a clue who he's supposed to be … this might help you out :0)


  1. They know us mums always come through. Xxxxx

  2. I love how we get last minute projects, and I mean last minute!!! Buster on the job and I bet he is great at it.

  3. That rose is particularly gorgeous! xxx

  4. Syndrome!! He has the hair for it. Love the Y Fronts! :-D
    Loving the morning light. Ahhh! Xo Jazzy Jack
