Sunday, 5 July 2015

A picture's worth 1000 words … week 27 ...

A photo a day … every day … in 2015.

Day 179:  Banksia Rose

Day 180:  The attention span of a gnat.

Day 181:  Bees love lavender … didn't you know.

Day 182:  That Christmas bunting is still holding up ok.

Day 183:  Where there's a will there's a way.

Day 184:  Snap.

Day 185:  Feeling the love for my new tap ware.


  1. Marvellous shots as always Jo.

  2. A photo of our Jo, yay!!!! Like Fiona said, marvelous shots as always.

  3. Your new tap is gorgeous but you are gorgeous-er! I love your selfie. You should frame it. I also love the grass coming through the pavement. Such a metaphor and such beautiful simplicity in the image. I'm always so impressed with your photos. Bees and lavender! They love purple-blue flowers it seems. They are usually all over nepeta (catmint) and perovskia (Russian sage) too. And I love a heather swarming with bees in spring. xoxo

  4. Lovely to see you! Great photos. x

  5. Those close-ups are just beautiful, Jo. And so are you! xxx

  6. The gnat!!! Sports photographer much?
    Love your selfie and the grass with shadow. Xo Jazzy Jack

  7. Ooooh la la fancy tap ware for a fancy new space x
