Sunday 15 February 2015

A picture's worth 1000 words … week 7 ...

A photo a day … every day … in 2015.

Day 39:  So it finally happened … I totally forgot to take a photo today.  But HURRAH … I found this one on my phone!!  I had sent a pic of a flooring sample to my sister for a second opinion.  It still counts as a photo … right???

Day 40:  Some days I feel like a nut!

Day 41:  Admiring the roses on the bird bath in an effort to take my mind off the alarming drip the water tank pump is currently experiencing.

Day 42:  Beauty …

Day 43:  … and the Beast!  What is this strange prehistoric creature?

Day 44:  Patchwork takes a special kind of crazy … take a large piece of fabric, cut it up into tiny pieces and then sew it back together again … yep totally crazy!!

Day 45:  Valentines Day inspires all sorts of unusual activities … like Master 17 cooking dinner for the very first time ever … it must be love!


  1. Definitely love! I cooked for Bushy in our courtship I remember...raising false hopes :-D
    Patchwork. You have my admiration. Not suited to my brain...or my laziness!
    Beautiful nuts and flowers. Wishing you quick and cheap resolution of the drip, drip, drip, drip...! Xo Jazzy Jack

  2. That's a beautiful rose, and the camouflaged lizard is fab!
    Cooking for a girlfriend at 17 - very impressive. And Master 17's girl is twiddling her hair in coquettish fashion, so she must like what she's seeing! xxx

  3. Yes the flooring photo definitely counts! As for the others - some stunning photos there.

  4. Ha ha, I bet you were relieved when you remembered the flooring photo otherwise your OCD might have kicked in at missing a day so early in the year. . ..
    Beautiful flowers and I agree with Curtise, Master 17s girl definitely looks like she approves.
    Have a good week and don't forget to take those photos xx

  5. Yeah. Now that you mention it, quilting is kinda crazy. Beautiful rosebud. And the romantic cook. So impressive. What did he make?

  6. Much strangeness going on around your parts.....but can't knock a teen cooking dinner.....unless of course it wasn't going to include you xxxxx

  7. Oh young love!!! I feel like nuts often.

  8. I love the little creature, what a cutie! x

  9. I wonder what Master 17 cooked? Sounds like he's got it bad.

  10. Oh how romantic! Master 17 and his girlfriend look adorable - nuts? yep me too - I love the floor, actually I'm fond of both! beautiful rose pics and you have patience and skills, patchwork is not for the faint hearted but the results are amazing x x x

  11. Did he clean up after he cooked the meal? Lovely shots. I really love Day 42!
