Sunday 1 February 2015

A picture's worth 1000 words … week 5 ...

A photo a day … every day … in 2015.

Day 25:  Sunset @ Long Jetty … where surprisingly there is a very long jetty.

Day 26:  Happy Australia Day … from Buster the Australian Silky Terrier.

Day 27:  Searching for inspiration.

Day 28:  Master 17's first day of his FINAL YEAR of school!!

Day 29:  Master 14's first day of Year 9 … just 4 years to go.

Day 30:  Watching the day end at our local beach.

Day 31:  The final year of school requires a newly created study area … now let's hope he uses it!


  1. What a spectacular jetty pic and that local beach photo is awesome.....
    school for us tomorrow...a year 11 and Year 5...sigh ...i am sure we will be wondering where this year has gone soon enough. xx

  2. I honestly believe you have already found your inspiration.

  3. Love the jetty pic and how it leads the eye to the horizon.

  4. If you build it, he will come (to study!)
    Loving the jetty and your gorgeous beach. xxx

  5. Wow last year at school, then what?? Exciting times for both the lads. Lovely photos Jo. I especially love the polka dot mat in the study area.

  6. Who's swanking "at our local beach"?! Adore the inspiration shot, and the Aussie dog!
    We started school today. Years 4 and 8... Exciting times! xo Jazzy Jack

  7. He's a smart boy, he will (what a fabulous study area though!) time goes too quick doesn't it? the jetty and beach photo's are just beautiful, you have paradise! x x x

  8. Gorgeous sunset - crap I wish I lived near the beach. Im jealous!

  9. Super photos again, especially love the jetty and the beach photos, and the one of the dog, and your boys of course, and the work space.....well all of them really! hahha I'm always looking for inspiration and the energy with which to fulfill it lol
