Friday, 2 January 2015

Strange and eerie events from above ...

As a general rule I spend most of my time looking straight ahead … or maybe down if I don't want to trip over something … but every now and then something motivates me to look up.  It could be a beautiful sunrise… though that's pretty rare because I'm definitely not known as an early riser.  It could be a sunset … which is much more likely given that it occurs at a much more sociable hour.  A dramatic lightning storm is sure to get me looking skyward … as is a beautiful starry night sky.  Sometimes you can get lucky and have both at once.

Last night … as if celebrating the first evening of the year … Mother Nature was putting on a particularly spectacular light show.  Of course I couldn't resist the temptation of trying to capture a shot.  It's really not that easy … it takes time … and luck … loads and loads of luck.  Unless of course there is actually a skill to it … but I haven't discovered the skill … I just take masses of pictures and hope for the best.

Usually I end up with absolutely nothing worthwhile … and last night these were the best of a bad batch.

But then sometimes with all this looking up and clicking madly you manage to catch more than you bargained for  … freaky!


  1. did capture something what was it???

  2. What a gorgeous sky. Is that flashing an electrical storm? The pre-monsoon ones in Goa look just like that. xxx

  3. Our sky looked like this tonight. Lots of storms this year! Canberra has been humid!! Love the satellite. Unusual to have stars and storm.

  4. Fantastic! What an amazing sky. xxx

  5. amaaaaaaazing! these are beautiful -and I would say its more than luck-it is some serious mad talent.
    (and maybe that was a shooting star headed back up into the sky?)


  6. Awesome!!! I think you possess more skill than you know Jo. There are so many more things I could do with my camera but I still just point and press. Lessons, maybe that is what I could do for 2015.

  7. Gorgeous sky and great photos! Did that storm hit you or did the UFO land in your garden? I too use the take masses of photos and hope for the best technique. That is the joy of digital cameras to be sure! I find night skies quite tricky and can't get the colour right.

  8. Woah! these are cool! you are skilled, I can't even take a picture of the moon but the stormy skies and that eerie shape were pretty incredible, I got Dave's opinion on the last one only because I opt for eerie and he is a practical sort, he reckons it might be the international space station anyhoo, brilliant pics! and Happy New Year Jo! x x x
