Sunday, 4 January 2015

A picture's worth 1000 words … week 1 ...

 A photo a day … every day … in 2015.

Here we go … once I hit publish I've committed myself to another year … wish me luck!

Day 1:  Someone was feeling the love on New Year's Day.

Day 2:  It's official … the world's gone MAD … Hot X Buns on the 2nd of January!

Day 3:  Sometimes you just need a little help.


  1. Yahooooooooooooooo!!! You are doing it again!! It is going to be a good year.

  2. Ahhhhh young love....those were the days.
    The world really is mad! xx

  3. Hooray, you've started again! I saw a poster advertising Creme Eggs the day after Boxing Day. The world really is mad! x

  4. Yay... and you're off! Hot cross buns already...bloody ridiculous!

  5. Hot cross buns in January - bonkers! But some gorgeous photos to kick off another year, Jo! xxx

  6. Woop! you pressed publish! I'm blooming chuffed! gorgeous pics Jo, although like everyone else, I'm a little perturbed by the hot cross buns, I haven't got my deccies down yet *oh, shame* x x x

  7. Woo hoo - glad you are doing it again. I don't alway comment but I always have a good nosey at the pictures :) A Happy New Year to you by the way.

  8. Happy New Year chook, glad you're doing the photo a day thingie again, I've just scrolled back about a months worth and they made me smile. Gotta be worth doing if they make people smile. Hope you and yours are all well, looking forward to the next weeks photos :D

  9. LOVE! I am excited to watch this unfold. xoxo
