Thursday 10 July 2014

A picture's worth 1000 words … WHAT!?! … halfway through the year already ...

Believe it or not we are halfway through 2014.

I'd like to not believe it … or at least ignore it … but my calendar rudely persists in saying it's so.

And of course, if it's halfway through the year that means I'm halfway through my "photo a day" project … I mean it just stands to reason.

So I thought I'd take the opportunity to commemorate this momentous occasion by answering the questions that you may have been dying to ask … but in all reality have probably never crossed your mind.

Am I enjoying taking all these photos?

Yes … mostly.  There is the occasional day when I curse the fact that I ever started … but I'm far too OCD to stop now.

Do I ever run out of things to photograph?

Yes … often.  Probably on the same day I do the cursing I mentioned above.

Do I ever forget to take the photo?

Surprisingly no … and believe you me, no one is more surprised about that than I am.  There have been a few close calls … but touch wood … not yet.

Have my photography skills improved?

I like to think so.

Where do I take my photos?

I take them wherever I am … which means that 99.9% of the time they are taken in either my home or garden.  Note to self … must get out more … am starting to look like scary recluse type person.'

Do I take just one photo a day?

Some days I take just one … that would be on the days when inspiration has run dry and I can usually be found running around in a crazed fashion at bedtime snapping the first thing I see.  Other days I take many, many shots and then find it difficult to pick just one to use.

Which leads me very nicely into the point of this post.

As the intention of the project is to take just one photo per day … the extras are then rendered useless as soon as the clock strikes midnight.  From there they end up somewhere in the deep, dark depths of my computer … never to be seen again … until now.

For today … and today only … okay I can't absolutely promise it's only today.. depends how short on ideas I may find myself someday in the future … but today ... I have decided to self indulgently post a small selection of photos that didn't quite make the cut first time round.

Hope they were worth the wait.


  1. Well done you, it's not easy I know. I only take about twelve a month and have prompts and yet still struggle sometimes. Loving the bubbles shot and the spider beneath.

    1. Finding the subject is usually much harder than taking the photo ;0)

  2. Well I'm glad you did because these are great photos! I cannot believe the date either. What is going on in this racing world? Hope you survived the holidays okay, have a great weekend xx

    1. This racing world need to slow down ... way down … it horrifies me at times :0)

  3. Bubbles! Oh Jo. Hit us with ALL of your photos. They are just so great. I am so impressed that you have been able to keep this up. It is inspirational. It really is. And your photography skills have definitely improved. A new career perhaps?

    1. Aww thanks Connie … I'm not sure anyone would pay me to take them … but it certainly would be a fun way to make money :0)

  4. They are indeed worth the wait - you are so bloody good at this! Fabulous photos, Jo, really stunning. xxx

    1. Thanks Curtise … I'm so glad you like them … sometimes I think it must get boring for people to constantly be bombarded with my snapshots.

  5. These photos are so great I don't see how you could make a decision that they were not in the first cut! I love the bubbles and spider with a bug (what I think I see anyway). Thanks for sharing!!!

    1. Some days it's very easy to make the choice … but I must admit other days I can't decide … I usually get the kids to pick one on those days :0)

  6. These are gorgeous-so glad you posted them!! I love the bubbles and would enlarge and frame that. You should have some sort of watermark on your images so they are identifiable as your art. After all, I could very easily do what I just said I want to do, which is enlarge and frame that bubble picture. I love the spider too...another one I"d frame.

    I envy your ability, and every time I look at your photos I admonish myself for not learning more about my camera so I can take pictures like Jo. I can at least say I don't use the autofocus feature but seriously I am not utilising my camera properly.

    I also love your photos that focus on a tiny little detail. You have a fantastic eye for such things. Keep doing this please, and maybe eventually I will get competitive and try to copy you.

    1. I don't doubt for a minute that you'd be great at taking pictures … if you have an artistic eye … which you do … it's really just a matter of pressing the button. It wouldn't even matter if it was on auto focus ;0)

  7. Oh I would have asked every single on of those questions so thankfully you had the answers at the ready!! You jest that these didn't make the first cut! All far too brilliant to go to the deep darkness of the computer somewhere never to be seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnn!!!

    1. It's the perils of the "One a day" part of the project ;0)

  8. You are a talented photographer Jo, your photo's are always so interesting and beautiful (and your boys are so handsome) I really enjoy looking at them, they are like art (I can't articulate it any better, gah!) x x x

    1. Thank you Sandra …that means a lot to me. I do worry that they may be a bit repetitive at times … sometimes it's hard to find something new to take a snap of :0)

    2. They are never repetitive, they are all individually beautiful, visual striking and have so much detail, there is so much to see even in the simpler photo's, you really do have a great talent and a fantastic eye x x x

  9. Omg the out takes are awesome...congrats on sticking with it. Xxx
