Friday, 21 November 2014

A Love Poem ...

When your heart fills with love and the strongest emotion,
And you feel the warm glow of your utter devotion.
Your heart is so full … it could burst from your chest,
You love only one … and to hell with the rest.

You want to cry out from the rooftops so high,
"I'm in love … so in love" … it's the truth I can't lie.
My whole life on earth has only one purpose,
To love and to cherish … I can't remain wordless.

Cause as I sit here … in your loving embrace,
It's time that I told the whole human race.
It may be taboo … and it may be forbidden,
In all likelihood … I should keep it well hidden.

But I'm here today … to declare it with pride,
Right now is the moment … that I will confide.
That it may be perverse … but I'm here on a missioner,
To declare my devotion for my dear air conditioner.

By Me

CORRECTION:  Actually feels like 45.9


  1. Its like a foreign language, we don't do air conditioning here (other than in horrible, modern workplaces where there's no windows!). I have to pay good money to fly halfway around the world to get sweaty, its not fair! xxx

    1. There are days when I literally would not survive without it … the only thing better than my split system would be to have fully ducted … some day perhaps :0)

  2. You are so very clever Jo!! Far to hot for me, I like my windows and doors wide open with a cool breeze floating in. But thank goodness for you, you have your secret love!!

    1. I prefer real air … but some days you just have to shut everything up and lie in front of it ;0)

  3. Eek, I think I might DIE in those temperatures, I can completely understand your AirCon Love! xxx

    1. I remember one New Years Day it was 45 degrees … and we had NO air con … by the end of the day we had killed 3 fans and all I could do was get the kids in the car and drive!!

  4. No need for air con here. I remember being stuck in Alice for a week when the temperature was in the 40's, I still found it preferable to our winters tho. xx

    1. But you can always put more clothes and blankets on … you can only take so much off ;0)

  5. I hear you, i hear you! I too have this clandestine love.
    Canberra is just the same, and in November! Global warming? Global cooking!
    NZ is still waiting for summer and complaining of too much rain. I could live with that! At least you can still function. xo JJ

    1. Exactly … once it gets too hot … you just can't do anything … but complain ;0)

  6. Bahahahahaahhh! Opps may have peed a bit there! ;-D
