Thursday 8 May 2014

School study guide ...

It's exam time!

Master 16 … who happens to be in his second last year of high school (!!!???!!) … is currently enduring enjoying his half yearly Year 11 exams.  And since he is now at the pointy end of his schooling these things actually become quite important.

Now this would be my cue for bemoaning how stressful and tense this is making life around here.

Except that Master 16 is remarkably unstressed and untense.

Which is making me both stressed and tense!

How was English?

How was Maths?

How was Chemistry?

How was PE?

How was Geography?

Oh well … I doubt he could do as badly as I did when I was in High School … I answered my entire French exam in German.

True Story!!


  1. Maybe chemistry is worrying him a bit? It did me!
    Love your true story about the Franco-German mix-up, what a catastrophe! x

    1. It was indeed a catastrophe … I think I got given a few sympathy marks for being a complete idiot.

  2. I do like a true story, especially one that makes me laugh. Wish Master 16 luck for his exams. He is growing into quite the handsome young man, gonna break some hearts that one.

  3. I have only just stopped laughing! you are a blooming star!
    Master 16 does look relaxed, which is good, it means important stuff is sticking in his brain - I wish him all the luck in the world, it's a tough time - and how is it time is flashing by again? have I been asleep again?! x x x

    1. I think we have … this year is almost half over already … WHAT THE!!???!!!

  4. How could you possibly have made that faux pas, Jo?! (I don't know how to say faux pas in German...) You daft bugger!
    Hey, if Master 16 says it's all cool and under control, then that's fine! xxx

    1. Oh you'd be surprised what I am capable of when it comes to all things daft ;0)

  5. Actually I think you should get extra credit for being multi-lingual and multi-adorable. BTW, when your kids are going through these Big Deal exams, don't you feel like You're going through them, too? I sure did! Augh!

    1. That is soooo true … in fact I think it would almost be better if I was sitting them myself … and that is something I NEVER thought I'd say … EVER ;0)

  6. That is the best true story I have ever heard! And Master 16 has the best facial expressions I have ever seen. Surely with that talent, he has aced his exams!
