Wednesday 9 January 2013

What a difference a day makes.....

We survived yesterday....just!

It was Hot....with a capital H!

At one point I took the thermometer outside...granted I left it in the sun....but this was the result....

I didn't know it could get that hot!

At 1.30am it was still hot......

and sleep was not easily found!

But at some time after 2.00am a cool change finally swept in...aahhh....blessed relief!

Today was positively chilly in comparison....with a top of only 23 degrees.....perfect weather for a day out.

I have a group of old friends....we have all known each other for over 20 years.

Once upon a time, in a former life, we used to flat together and were known to run amok on a regular basis.

Here we are in action many, many moons ago.......

These days life is very different...we all grew responsible.....and had families.

Now we try to get together each school holidays for a catch up.  When we do it's quite a EVERYWHERE!  Today's count was 21....we left some at home!

They swam.....

....and we talked.....after all that's what we do best!


  1. just found your blog thru scandi it!. had a little lol at your past photo of your group of friends, I think I have that same pic somewhere.all the white shirts and the 80`s hair. what a great that at your place?!
    Allison x

    1. Hi Allison, thanks for dropping by...unfortunately it's not my pool....I only have a suburban sized yard at the moment....but maybe someday :)
      You've gotta love the eighties hair.....there was no such thing as too big.....and I'm really rocking that acid wash denim jacket!!! :o)
