Sunday 25 October 2015

A picture's worth 1000 words … week 43 ...

A photo a day … every day … in 2015.

Day 291:  Through the window.

Day 292:  Ready and waiting to leave on school camp.

Day 293:  Someone had to endure the indignity of a haircut today … and he's not well pleased.

Day 294:  Another landscape … or perhaps you call this one a beachscape?

Day 295:  Summer must be almost here … the jasmine is flowering.

Day 296:  Finished this one off today.

Day 297:  What a beauty!


  1. Jasmine and haircuts. It must be Spring. Your artwork is so lovely.

  2. Jo your art is amazing, I do hope you get to exhibit it somewhere and make a fortune selling it!!! (I have an original remember) Bet Buster wanted to go on school camp too.

  3. Those paintings! Gorgeous!
    That is all :-D xo Jazzy Jack

  4. That landscape/beachscape is spectacular and Buster looks well grumpy! xxx

  5. What a talent you have.
    Poor Buster...he'll get over it. x

  6. Oh Buster... So smart, but so pissed off!
    Keep taking gorgeous photos, and keep painting, Jo - you're good! xxx

  7. Love your work...... You have so much talent. Xx
