Sunday 27 September 2015

A picture's worth 1000 words … week 39 ...

A photo a day … every day … in 2015.

Day 263:  Pink!

Day 264:  The first day of school holidays means one thing … pancakes for breakfast!

Day 265:  Puppy eyes.

Day 266:  So tell me … do you kiss with your eyes open or closed?

Day 267:  Buzzzzzzz.

Day 268:  Purple!

Day 269:  Anzac Bridge on gloomy skies.


  1. More beautiful close-ups, the kissing birds and the bee (is it? Looks a bit thin for a bee) are fab! Ooh, did it rain, those grey clouds look a bit threatening. xxx

  2. Fabulous shots! Love the birds and adorable Buster.

  3. Love the lavender. Ours is blooming again, we're having an Indian Summer! x

  4. School holidays again? With none at school I never know about holidays until all is quiet at the school next door. I do a celebratory dance at having it peaceful for two weeks. Bet the mothers aren't dancing. You and I share a passion for close up photography, I always admire your work, and dear wee Buster.

  5. Such a good Mom making pancakes for breakfast. No wonder you're getting those sweet puppy eyes. Lovely lavender and rose.

  6. That kissing pose!
    Buster's eyes
    And pikelets for lunch over here :-) xo Jazzy Jack

  7. Love your closeup s...caught some real beauty there. xxx
