Thursday, 9 January 2014

The dire and desperate debacle of the disappearing data ...

We are currently in the midst of the summer school holidays.

In my house … with my boys … this can only mean one thing … excessive Internet usage.

My Internet provider kindly sent me a courtesy email yesterday to let me know that we … and by we I mean them ... have used three quarters of our monthly data allowance.

Three quarters … and it's only the 9th of January.

We have a very generous monthly data allowance …  and they have used three quarters of it … and it's only the 9th of January.

So I've banned them.

No Internet.

No Youtube.

No online gaming.

No thing.

So far today they have ridden their bikes … watched a movie together … reconnected with the kids that live down the road.  They've been to the park … played cricket with other kids from the neighbourhood and ridden to the local oval to meet friends and play soccer.

I should have thought of this years ago!


  1. they do like their internet don't they? good call on the ban though, I fear one of mine is allergic to sunlight or fresh air or general movement, it all seems to make them react badly haha! x x x

    1. Imagine if they had been unlucky enough to be born back in OUR day when …shock … horror … there was no such thing as internet ;0)

  2. Lucky we are busy with a holiday programme and then away on holidays for the next two weeks , otherwise that would be our dilemma too...we can have 4 gadgets going at not just the kids in our house...shame. xxx

    1. Alas it's not just the kids here either … in fact some evenings I look around and every single person is on one gadget or another. But I figure since Hubby and I pay for it we get to sparingly use the last quarter :0)

  3. I know, I know, I KNOW! Mine all live online too. Mind you, I'm not entirely innocent, come to that... Well done for laying down the law, Jo, and well done the boys, for rediscovering activities that don't involve the internet! xxx

    1. There's a whole "real" world out there for them to discover :0)

  4. Gosh, I'm lucky, I can use my internet all the time, there is no restriction. Glad you put your foot down and made your kids go outside. Good for you. Happy New Year ;)

    1. Thanks Catherine … never-ending internet would be a dream come true for my boys ;0)
