Saturday 27 October 2012

Challenge accepted.....

Today, as I do everyday...I was reading the blogs I most enjoy....and came across a little challenge.

Life In A Pink Fibro was discussing whether school photos are photo shopped these days...apparently there is overwhelming evidence to suggest that our kids spots, bumps and bruises are being removed from history.

This seems a shame to each little blemish is a rite of passage and an integral part of our childhood.  Besides any imperfections we may have suffered back then are nothing to the crows feet and lines we enjoy today.

Now the challenge was to find our own Grade 3 photo and post it for all the world to see and enjoy (??!?!!).....which I here it is ready or not!!!!

I must say the biggest challenge was getting it out of the old style sticky photo album...they seemed like such a good idea at the time!


  1. Oh look at you - just gorgeous! You kept your red as well - mine faded out as I hit about 7 and came back in my teens.

    1. I've been enjoying a love/hate relationship with my hair all my life.....but now I choose to embrace it.....before the greys entirely take over :)

  2. You're a cute red! I was a shocker. x

    1. Thank you...I'm sure your hair was/is beautiful....what's not to love about a red head :)
