Saturday 28 September 2013

Week One ... done and dusted ...

Well that's the first week of the school holidays completed, concluded and closed.

I'd like to say that we have spent the last few days at an exotic locale ... filling our time with exciting and adventurous holiday style activities.

I'd be lying.

We have whiled away the days without doing much of anything at all ... though I must admit lolling around the house like a giant sloth has been a particularly popular choice.  

But I understand that nobody wants to read about the idleness of my bones ... so I wracked my brain ... separated the highlights from the lowlights ... and came up with a list of things we have done this week.

  • I decided to spring clean the house and reorganise everything into a super efficient, highly functional, well oiled machine type household.  You know ... like Martha Stewart.  So I put some DVDs into boxes, moved three blankets from one spot to another ... and cleaned one window.  Then I gave up and decided to become a Jabba the Hutt type instead.

  • Master 16 had three professional driving lessons.  You know, the ones you have to pay for.  It's comforting to know that he can now drive forward with confidence.  Unfortunately he has not yet learnt to turn around or park. So as long as he never comes to a dead end ... or wants to stop the car and get out ... then he'll be just fine.

  • I need a new project like I need a hole in the head ... but I started one anyway.  Here's a sneaky peek ... all will be revealed when I complete it ... in around seven and a half years.

  • Master 13's PlayStation broke ... his life is officially over.

Roll on Week Two.


  1. Driving!! Oy! I actually survived teenage drivers twice! You are not lazy. I am the Queen of the Layabouts! Notice that I haven't blogged in weeks. Your boxes look very tidy :)

    1. Is there anything more stressful in this world than teaching a 16 year old to drive?? I think not!

  2. lolling has its charms, definitely! I am very fond of a good loll! and you have worked, It was probably a huge window! and moving things is tiring, I am excited about your project, it looks very interesting - turning in cars is tricky (I can't 'officially' drive, but turning right was my nemesis!) and a broken playstation? how is he? its teenage misery when their stuff breaks x x

    1. I am the current title holder of Lolling World Champion ... if you're going to loll ... I say loll well ;0)

  3. holy shemoly!!! driving lessons and broken playstations...eeeeeek! you are like me with the 7 year completion time and a gazillion unfinished projects! Well i survived a 6 week holiday and in the 2 weeks back my kids have been home again sick! praying for next week back to school!!!! jabba is way cooler than martha any day!!!

    1. Jabba does have a certain je ne sais quoi and devil may care attitude I find quite appealing ;0)
