Wednesday 4 September 2013

Shame, shame, shame ...

Forty three days ago Master 16 had a birthday.

At the time he was given several birthday presents.

As he is no longer a small child ... he was not given toys.

As he has all the computers, laptops, gaming consoles he could possibly require ... he was not given any technological stuff.

It's really not that easy to come up with gift ideas for a 16 year old boy.

But like most teenagers do ... he has entered a hibernation phase ... if he isn't at school or work he can most certainly be found in his room.  With the door shut.  So I decided to give him a few things to tart up his room ... since he likes hanging in there so very much.

Since that day ... forty three days ago ... I have been requesting nicely ... asking firmly ... demanding imperiously  ... that he tidy his room ... firstly, to decrease the chances of it being declared a Bio hazard Waste Zone and secondly, so that  I can take a few photos of his new things in situ. 

But to no avail.

The sight of his room makes my eyelid twitch every time I walk past it.  His answer to that ... is not to tidy it ... it's to shut the door.

Today I gave up.

So here is a delightful post showing off the lovely gifts that Master 16 received on his birthday.

Look at the great posters I framed and Hubby hung on his wall.

Look at the floor lamp I bought him ... and put together myself .... so that he could read in bed.

Look at the super useful magnetic noticeboard I got him ... to keep important school notes and invitations and other bits and pieces on.

Look at the fab retro bedside table ... I specially ordered for him ... and went to Sydney in the pouring rain to collect.

Here's a close up to better appreciate it's retro fabness.

Look at the great rug I got him.

What?  You can't see it?  Here's a close up.

Master 16 ... you have been named and shamed ... NOW GO AND TIDY YOUR ROOM!!!!


  1. Did it work??? We've got a whole lot of that going on around here, too. It's some kind of a teenage nesting ritual, I think.

    1. It hasn't worked yet ... but I"m the eternal optimist ;0)

  2. Oh I know the irritation whereof you speak, I have three kids for whom a tidy-ish room is clearly impossible. Your Master 16's room looks very grown up, and apart from the clothes on the floor, not too bad at all! My Eldest does that thing with leaving drawers open too - what's that all about?! xxxx

    1. I don't know ... but I don't like it ... not one little bit ;0)

  3. Teenage rooms are the stuff of nightmares, boys or girls live in squalor, Master 16's room is not too bad, his quilt is actually on the bed! the rug is an area of stuff, my eldest's room is beyond hideous, I tidied it for a whole week once, it was lovely not shuddering when I walked past, sadly it's back to 'normal' x x

    1. LOL ... beyond hideous?? When he leaves unfinished food and opened drinks around ... that's when I absolutely crack it ... that's my "beyond hideous".

  4. I am laughing and laughing. It's a lovely room, beautifully put together, well done you. I would keep it tidy if it was mine!

    1. I'll kick him out to the garage and you can move in instead ;0)

  5. As far as messy teens rooms you're doing better than with mine you can see bits of the floor!
    It's a lovely room messy or not, I'd love someone to revamp my room for my birthday!
    (popping over from Maxabella's rewind)

    1. Eeek ... teenagers are such grotty things aren't they :0)

  6. Not up to the messy teen room stage yet... but not looking forward to it. You did a great job with your birthday additions - whether you can see them or not! (visiting from rewind x)

    1. Ha ... thanks Julie ... watch out that time will be here before you know it :0)

  7. I am going to threaten this in my house as well!

  8. ROFL! In the earlier pics I was thinking, geez Jo, it's not THAT bad... and then I saw that floor! Eeeeek!!

    I love his room, though. What a great space for a teen boy. x

  9. my mum always had the rule if the door was shut the window had to be open....apparently my brothers where smelly teenagers...not me of course! x

    1. That sounds like an exceptionally good rule ... and shall be implemented ASAP ;0)

  10. Ha! Love it.
    So very glad it's not a 'scratch and sniff' post. The rooms of 16 year old boys not only look bad ... they smell all fusty and bad too. Bleurghhhh!!! xx

    1. LOL ... teenage boy's bedrooms have a very distinctive aroma ... distinctively HORRIBLE :0)

  11. What a great room you've put together! You're one good mama :)
    My 10 year old's bedroom is tidy, but her playroom is a total disaster! It's like they just explode.

    1. I totally agree ... I don't understand how they ever find anything ... but then again they rarely do ... that's when they call on Mum ;0)

  12. Love and want that rug. Tell him if he does not clean his room the rug can go to a good home. But, ahhh so many memories of what I call the floorrobe. Tamika had one from about age 13 until she left home at almost 21. Whole cupboard would be bare, she would cry " I have nothing to wear". I would just point at the floorrobe.

    1. I know what you mean ... they toss their clothes on the floor and expect the magical laundry fairy to remove them, wash them, iron them and return them to their wardrobe ... problem is we usually do!!

      By the way ... the rug is from Ikea and can be yours for $49.99 ... what a bargain :0)

  13. We are having issues with Master 10 at the mo and I said to my hubby the other night "they are meant to be hardest at 16", he replied "Nah he'll be ok by then"
    ?!?!?!?!?!?! Not sure about that!

    1. Don't you believe it ... i'd rather have a dozen 10 year olds than a 16 year old ... well maybe not a dozen ;0)
