Friday 15 February 2013

The World's Smallest, Smartest, Most Expensive Kitchen......

There are so many wonderful ways in which I could have spent Valentines Day.....a long walk on the beach, a picnic in the park, a long lunch at a fancy restaurant or even a drive through the countryside.....but no....I went one better.....I went to a Thermomix Party.

Now I've been to my fair share of Tupperware parties, in the nineties I recall attending quite the number of DK Book parties, in the early noughties essential oil parties were the rage....I'm pretty sure there was a naughty lingerie party thrown in there somewhere too.  But now, if it's a party plan event you're after then Thermomix is it.

If you have never heard of Thermomix then that's ok....I hadn't either before I attended my first party.  It's a fancy German kitchen appliance that chops, beats, mixes, emulsifies, kneads, melts, blends, weighs, cooks, stirs and steams...all in one bowl.  Apparently it's the must have friend in the kitchen that we all's going to save us so much time and money....and it's a steal at $1939.  WHAT THE!!

As the sales consultant earnestly informed us it will replace all our current kitchen appliances...they will be obsolete once we have a Thermomix.  Only problem is that I already have them...they still work....and they are not costing me $1939 in three easy payments.

That said, this really is a natty little machine...and if you happen to be rich.....with an alarming lack of kitchen cupboard space....and not a single appliance to your name....then this is the device for you.

Look it even cleans your kitchen and turns your children into angels
 So after all the excitement of the party I settled in for a quiet night at home.  Hubby was returning home after spending the week in Melbourne and offered to bring home a takeaway for dinner....our Valentines Day treat.

He turned up with Chinese...from my favourite local restaurant...... looked smelt hid a little Valentine's Day surprise......

....purely coincidental....but kind of freaky just the same!!!


  1. my neighbour is a thermomix rep and is always bangin on about them....I believe they are fab but she is also someone who cooks all her food from scratch and doesn't believe in chinese takeaway...theres no way she can be trusted!
    Allison x

    1. LOL....anyone that does all their cooking from scratch and doesn't eat chinese takeaway DEFINITELY can't be trusted!!

  2. Wow! That little Valentine's surprise is awesome! Thanks for stopping by over at my place xx

    1. I love stopping in at your're always doing something so inspiring :)
