Thursday 6 November 2014

Inside my sketchbook … issue 11 ...

It's safe to say that drawing … painting … art in general is a bit of a passion of mine.

In fact it's safe to say it's been a lifelong passion of mine.

Now this isn't a grandiose statement … I've actually got the photographic proof to back it up!

Here I am at two years of age.

And again.

And again … there's a definite pattern emerging here.

Of course I did have some other interests at two … like hijacking other people's birthday candles.

So it's clear to see that even as a small child nothing made me more happy than a pencil and a clean piece of paper … and nothing's changed.

Here's the latest additions to my sketchbook … all done at the cost of my housework of course!

I've been tinkering with my watercolours.

I've dallied with my pastels.

And I threw in an acrylic on canvas … just for the fun of it!!

Is it any wonder that the floors are filthy and I can never find the time to update this blog??


  1. Great job, and at the end of the day, way more important than dumb old chores! Adorable baby pics btw.

  2. You are very talented and advanced in all these media, Jo! And the best part for me, I can feel that you are inspired, I feel the heart in your creations. Your images make me smile!

    Your baby photos are adorable, and you remind me my daughter - she started drawing since about 2. For a few years, she carried notebooks and pencils everywhere we went!

    1. Thank you Natalia … that's a lovely compliment :0)

  3. Each piece has captured a strong ambiance. Beautiful work!
    Never mind the floors - there's art that needs doing.

  4. When you can spend time dallying with a sketch book and paint, pencils, pastels etc....why do housework?

    Great photos of you when you were younger, what fun to think you have been an artist since you were little! ;-)

    1. It somehow confirms that I'm meant to do it … which excuses the lack of housework a little ;0)

  5. You were an adorable baby! Love these old photos and your art, too! x

  6. A girl after my own heart! Housework can wait when there's something much more fulfilling to do.
    Wonderful photos...just think of how much art you must have produced since then. x

    1. I have a habit of doing a quick doodle in the steam on the shower screen every time I'm in there … so at least one a day, every day :0)

  7. Oh Little Jo. Gosh you were/are the cutest! Your art has such a sweet sensibility. Screw housework. This is Life Work!

  8. Awwww! You were such a sweet little artist! And you've grown up to be a very good one - Buster, the self portrait and seascape are fabulous. xxx

  9. I love your self portrait and Busters one, and of course the lighthouse painting!!! You so do have a talent!! Must say you have always been rather cute, love old childhood photos. With your artistic skills and your gift for writing poetry, you have a book in the making. Sod the housework, make that book.

    1. I'd love to write a book … but would anyone pay to read it ;0)

  10. Aren't you a cutie vanooti! Draw till you drop I say. Great stuff.

  11. Oh your toddler photo's are so adorable! the housework always needs doing, sod it off - your beautiful artwork is far more important, I really do enjoy looking at your pieces, you have an incredible talent x x x
