Friday 3 May 2013

It's a beautiful day for a walk...

My boys walk to and from school ... weather permitting.

It is an approximately 15 minute walk.

When they were younger I always drove them ... and walked them into school.  But now that they are both in high school ... and it would be social suicide to be seen with your Mother ... they walk.

Now this seems all very well and good in theory ... practise is usually something else entirely.

I can just about set my clock by the text message I will receive from Master 15 at 2.00pm each afternoon.

Sometimes I cave ... I admit it ...but in the pursuit of personal growth ... I am endeavouring to be stronger ... and learning to say "No"... and Master 15 does not like it ... not one little bit!


  1. You're one tough mumma!! :-)

  2. yay mum! (you didn't cave did you?)....please tell me you threw in a "back in my day I walked 15 miles barefoot in the snow!"
    a mcflurry would have swayed me for sure!! x

    1. I stood strong ... but the McFlurry almost got me :0)

  3. Stay strong. Mine walked to and from school from kindy and up. By themselves. Then trains. What's more, on the rare occasions when I met them at school, I was the mean and nasty mum who made them carry their schoolbag home themselves. About seven minutes walk. I did not call at the old fashioned lolly shop across from school either. One mum told me she could not get her son home unless she bought a bag of lollies for him. Every afternoon of the week. This was a few years ago, but the shop was old fashioned then and it's not really that many years ago.

    1. I bet I know which child ended up as a well adjusted adult ... with good teeth :0)
